The Club dates back to the early days of the 1920s when Herald Island was known as Pine Island, a popular harbour cruise and picnic destination, this was before to the causeway was built.

At that time it was a very active sailing and boating club, but it went into decline and was dormant for a several years.

A number of like minded boaties, from the now Herald Island, sailing an assortment of keel yachts, together with a number of motor boat skippers, regenerated the Club with socialising, family fun, and competition being the main aims.

As interest grew the members, with blood sweat and tears, built a small boat jetty complex next to the original Herald Island wharf with a proposed club room to be built on the wharf proper.

Unfortunately the original adjoining wharf was burnt down, the destruction being total. The club set aside the building of a club room to underwrite the reconstruction of the destroyed wharf using club members as labour.

On completion the new wharf was handed over to the Herald Island residents and a community trust was formed.

Herald Island Boating Club 4

aims of the club

The encouragement, Promotion, protection and advancement of seamanship, safety at sea, and all related interests of all Club boat owners and members.

To foster yachting events for all classes of sailing vessels and provide sailing information, and stimulate a greater interest in sailing, and motor boating.

To promote awareness of marine water safety regulations, and courteous operation of all craft, to develop and maintain all Club facilities, raise funds by any legal means, and to use the same to promote the interests of the club.